
Monday, April 04, 2005


i never made it to maine. of all the embrassing reasons: i went to the the wrong airport. i was there for 45 mins before i got everything straightened out. in my defense there are three airports in the DC area.
in addition to being too late to catch my flight, i didnt want to get stuck on standby when i was going to see my mom for such a short amount of time.
also at 7pm friday night we found out shawn would not be home monday to take care of maxwell. so the temporary plan was shawn would take max to PA to stay with his grandparents sunday night through monday. then when i got back from my flight at 2:30 monay i'd have to drive the three hours to go get max and bring him home. plus max would have missed school.
so with all these things going on i decided it would be best to go back home to maryland, and try the trip again in a few weeks.
i have been home for a rather uneventful weekend. finished our taxes, did a few errands, went down the wrong street and ended up seeing a part of the berlin wall. there is always something to see in washington!

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