
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

i screwed up the sweater i was knitting for audrey, trying to come to terms that ill have to rip the whole thing out.
also trying to gain the stamina to haul a hose out front to water all these mums and tulip bulbs. now actaully bringing the hose out front wont be physically hard but its all coilied up and covered in cobwebs and sawdust.
this is maxwell's first day at preschool by himself. he took a cotton ball with him to hold if he felt nervous. and this is pretty sad, but he said he was worried other kids would ask what his eczema is. he doest even have any flare ups right now.
the new mac is cool i downloaded my photos but its having trouble connecting to the web so another day or two for more photos.
thrity more mins before i got to get maxwell, what to do until then?!
i guess i have to bring out the hose :P